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This video is an excellent example of what can happen to a person who is being cyber bullied and he can't take it any longer. Since he doesn't know what to do any more so he takes a drastic action. The cuber bullying didn't only effect this person but also his family and friends that will grieve for him.

This video is an excellent example of cyber bullying. We see how hard it is to live when being cyber bullied and i hope no one would let a person go through it. There's also another thing we can learn from this video which is that if you tell someone (especially an adult) they can help you.

This is an excellent example of what kind of effect cyber bullying can have on a person. In this video we can see that the person being bullied is going bad at school and her grades are lowering. She is also feeling excluded and she isn't talking to anybody because in this case the person who is cyber bullying her has written bad things about her ruining her reputation. This video is also a good example because we can see that cyber bullying can be resolved.